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Programación Educativa Individual- Inglés

Circular letter DVM-AC-003-2013 establishes the guidelines on curricular accommodations and access for the attention of the educational needs of the students.

Circular DVM-AC-CIR-0009-02-2023 repeals the previous DVM-AC-011-2021 and provides the guidelines to carry out the individualized education program or PEI (Spanish acronym).

The following video expalins how to include the PEI in the regular English lesson plan.


A continuación se mencionan aspectos a tener en cuenta para la aplicación de la PDL 2022

Consulta de circulares, instructivo y webinario

•Estudiar y acatar el Instructivo para la aplicación de las Pruebas de Dominio Lingüístico de Francés e Inglés 2022. En el mismo encontrarán la siguiente información:

CINDEA & IPEC Teacher´s Guides & Indicators of Learning Module 71 (III Level)

Module 71 Descriptors

The document has the Scope and Sequence of scenarios and themes in Diversified Education (III Level-Module 71)

Teacher´s Guides

Here teachers will find the Teacher´s Guides for “III Nivel” module 71, at CINDEA and IPEC divided in four documents for each level:
•    Teacher's guide I Period III Level (Module 71)
•    Teacher's guide II Period- III Level (Module 71)
•    Teacher's guide III Period- III Level (Module 71)
•    Teacher's guide IV Period- III Level (Module 71)

Teacher´s Guide Seventh Grade

This guide supports teachers in the process of implementing the English syllabus.
Teachers will find the plans with the distribution of goals, suggested mediation strategies, assessment strategies, themes and all the elements of the planning for every week.  
Teacher will adapt the mediation strategies in the weekly plans according to their context, so that they respond to the needs and reality of their learners and schools. Teachers will follow the distribution of "goals" and "assessment strategies" assigned for every week.

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