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Herramienta de Evaluación del Desempeño T1

En este enlace puedes acceder al sitio web de Asesoría del PIAD donde encontrarás en margen inferior izquierdo en el archivo de la Herramienta de Evaluación del Desempeño T1.


Imagen de mujer y texto a la par
Online Professional English Network (OPEN) Programs

We are very happy to announce the recruitment process for the Online Professional English Network (OPEN) Programs, an initiative aimed at providing valuable learning opportunities for foreign English language educators, prof

Mapa conceptual
Phonemic Awareness

The RAP (Recognition, Articulation, Production) technique is used to teach phonological awareness in English, as well as in other languages. This approach focuses on helping students recognize, articulate, and produce language sounds effectively

Palabras Inglés y Francés
Guidelines for Oral Production in English and French

This document is for teachers who teach English or French to students in the Third Cycle and Diversified Education levels in Costa Rica's public schools. It aims to help teachers guide students in speaking English and French based on the new study programs.

Palabra "test"
Documents that Regulate Foreign Language Assessment

For the purpose of guiding the evaluation process for foreign language learning in the current academic course, the following documents are made available.