Documents that Regulate Foreign Language Assessment
For the purpose of guiding the evaluation process for foreign language learning in the current academic course, the following documents are made available.
For the purpose of guiding the evaluation process for foreign language learning in the current academic course, the following documents are made available.
Las modalidades que aplican la Prueba Comprensiva son inglés en colegios académicos diurno y nocturno, inglés académico en colegios técnicos, reading y writing de liceo experimental bilingüe y sección bilingüe y módulo 46 y 71 de CINDEA e IPEC.
Circular letter DVM-AC-003-2013 establishes the guidelines on curricular accommodations and access for the attention of the educational needs of the students.
Circular DVM-AC-CIR-0009-02-2023 repeals the previous DVM-AC-011-2021 and provides the guidelines to carry out the individualized education program or PEI (Spanish acronym).
The following video expalins how to include the PEI in the regular English lesson plan.